The idea sounded good--but only because I didn't think it through. Just like homeopathic "medicine", homeopathic cooking is Bunk with a capital 'B'. You'll find a thousand recipes out there, saying: "Put spaghetti sauce on squash noodles to make a delicious and low-calorie main course."
No such thing. Tomato-based sauce on squash is hideous; most likely a cream sauce is too. But when I found a recipe that used sesame oil and soy sauce, I thought it was worth a try. I was fooled--some idiot was simply trying to substitute squash for rice noodles or ramen, and they failed royally. IMHO, the only good use for spaghetti squash is pig feed.

After eating the hideous squash for lunch all week, this weekend I was determined to do better. I made my old standby "2nd Avenue Korma" and I tried a Vegan Japanese Soup recipe from norecipes.com. Here's the soup:

My immediate reaction was, I must have screwed up! There's no way in fishballs that a real Japanese Soup would contain so many vegetables for so little liquid. But according to his notes, it's based on a Buddhist monastery recipe and it's supposed to be "stew-ish" like that. So I'll just enjoy and not be all critical about it.
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