by Crystal King

Of course he chooses to ignore the instructions. You'd have guessed that from the title. But I'd never have guessed exactly how very much I would enjoy this book!
One of of the criticisms was, "I didn't like any of the people." Well, I liked them! I thought they did stupid things, of course, but that didn't make them unlikable. Another was that the guy didn't decode the journals quickly enough. Bah! I say. He explained several times how time-consuming the process was and he did have a life to carry on aside from that. Another that he didn't safeguard the recipes well enough--that one I'll allow, but it was only a stupid mistake. And finally a reader chided the author about the sex scenes being too detailed, with a warning not to leave it on in the car when you stop for gas. (Tee, hee) But that is trivial--they weren't so very detailed and sex was a major motivation for some of the plot lines.
No matter. I enjoyed it with all it flaws or features, depending on your viewpoint. It was a "romping historical mystery." The people and situations were mostly invented, but it did have a lot of real history in it. And no vampires.
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