Monday, May 22, 2023

Mammoth's Tiny Trip to Georgetown Day 2

Tue 11 Apr 2023

So here we are. Strange bird noises in all the trees, but as usual, the little varmints won't come out to be identified. We should have been here a month ago for the arrival of the golden-cheeked warblers.  Coots in the lake and a surprising amount of gulls. In the evenings they fly over the water and hunt schools of fish in big, noisy flocks.

With Ed still sick and me having a meeting at 2:00, I decided not to try to go anywhere. Molly and I took a long jog in the morning; then I worked; then lunch and meeting; then another long walk. 

We went up "the hiking trail" which had a remarkable number of people on it. All young-ish, college age sort of people. There was a confusion in the trail, after crossing a low, rocky spot, the trail climbed up the slope and seemed to end in trails going both left and right. A Tee, in other words. I marked the crossing with a couple of rocks and went to the left, which was a good choice because in a few steps we came to a bench marking the correct way.

So on we went for quite a little ways to another bench and a big man-made stone thingy. Just a big rock, unmarked as far as I could tell. The whole trail was unmarked. But that made a convenient turn-around spot, and we were about halfway back when Edward called.

He was a half-hour away, so I waited until he arrived and ordered supper. It was less expensive than I feared, but I put a tip on it and it ended up being pretty bad. And more than we could eat. How could I have guessed that?

Sorry not to have a picture of the food. Carryout sushi from (I think) Miso or Misu Sushi or something like. Expensive and excellent.

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