Friday, December 1, 2023

More Ellie Dwyer! And a pretty good YA. And a really unexpectly good mystery series.

 Ellie Dwyer's Unexpected Ally
by Diane Winger

I'm liking these better and better as they go along. I don't know whether it's her writing that improved or just that I like her people better as I get to know them. In either case, I loved this to pieces. I wouldn't recommend it to just anyone--it's not deep, or extremely thoughtful, or heartwrenching or laugh-out-loud funny. I can't say that I had trouble putting it down at bedtime. But, next day, I was very happy to pick it up again.

Excuse Me While I Ugly Cry

A pretty good YA, even for a grownup reader. I was a little bored at first, but I was very glad that I didn't give up. It kept getting better.

The main character Quinn keeps lists of everything. I understand that--I like making lists as well as the next person.  But for her, only after someone steals her "list notebook" and blackmails her to do the things on her very, very private to-do list, does she realize how the listmaking was confining her ambition and keeping her stuck in a frightened world.  Nothing like having your deepest and darkest secrets out in public to make you free of fear. 



The Sound and the Furry
by Spencer Quinn

Before I started reading, I didn't realize that this series was narrated by the dog. If I had known that, I probably wouldn't have read it. And dang! I'd have been sorry!!!

Somehow he makes this work and it's funny as heck. And the mystery was pretty good, too.

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