Thursday, December 14, 2023

Not so great as I hoped. So much she could have chosen

 Butts A Backstory

Well written and well researched, but I think the author got hooked on a theory and tailored her research, and her narrative, to support it. Possibly she started out with an open mind and was curious to let the facts lead her where they might, but I don't think so.  I'm not sure I ever understood exactly what it was she was trying to prove, but it seemed to be something about how white people exploited black people because the white women wanted to understand the fascination their menfolk had with black women's anatomy. But even then, she seemed to dwell on black people (people of African descent) rather than include Hispanics. Very odd.

But now that I've said that, please ignore it and read the book anyway.  It's very interesting a lot of the time, especially in the first half or so. I got a little bored near the end, but that's because she was dwelling on modern performers such as Miley Cyrus. I enjoyed the historical parts more (personal bias!)

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