Friday, April 19, 2024

Magnus in New Mexico, Day 6

 Sat 23 Mar

First full day at Rusty's RV Ranch and the Chiricahua Mountains. Since the day was "supposed" to be warm and sunny, then a cold front was coming through in the night, I decided that our long drive to the official Chiricahua National Monument should wait until tomorrow or even the next day. It would be a very long drive--at least two hours--and if we were going to be sitting in a car for hours, it might as well be on a chilly day. 

So the choice was made to make a quick drive down to the Willow Tank and then over to the east side of the Chiricahuas, where all the alleged birdwatching sites were. Alas, it appears that once again, we were there too early in the year. Not very many flowers were out and not a sign of any hummingbirds or other spring migrants.

I did at least get to enjoy a pair of curve-billed thrashers doing a dance on the road in front of Magnus.

In the afternoon Molly and I jogged for 40 minutes. Once around the park, then up and down the road for 15 minutes. Then we walked and talked to Norman to fill up the hour of exercise. Good enough? I hope.

Some shots of our drive:

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