Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Day 314 - dog improvement

I mentioned awhile back the cat-spatting episode.  Izzy came to see me at my computer, and the blasted cat in my lap spit and slapped at her, claws at the ready.  But the connection I didn't make is, that's probably why she just won't come see me at the computer anymore.  Even when temped with mozzarella cheese.
Seems she can learn bad habits faster than I can instill good ones.

This weekend's dog improvement project is claws (again) and brushes.  I need to get them in good enough shape to make a vet trip.  And this week's home improvement project is hauling the donations to charity and the recyclable electronics to Best Buy.  Unless by some miracle of Mother Nature it cools down enough to let me work outside.  It's supposed to cool down a little.

Darn.  I promised the dogs that as soon as the daytime highs were under 80, I'd extend their walk to the red fence.  It might just happen.

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