Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Of time and teenagers

Yesterday being a rotten day, I promised myself a New Year's day of reading and throwing things away.  A good day; a fine day; a day for me.

Needless to say, I broke my promise.    After worrying about Edward for many hours of the night (probably needlessly), I woke late, did very little reading and even less throwing away, and spent the afternoon helping Callie organize her room.  The job couldn't be finished without the storage bins she required, so she wanted to go to Walmart and then go to eat sushi.  And we did.  (The dogs got walked first.)

Maybe I'll make a New Year's resolution--eschew expectations.  Make plans and plan for plans to be disrupted.  Enjoy the time you get, in spite of teenagers.  Live like there's no tomorrow--it'll be preempted by teenagers, anyway.

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