Monday, April 15, 2013

I Am Not Literary

I Am The Cheese
by Robert Cormier

...eluded me.  It made less sense than A Canticle For Leobowitz which actually did make sense after a while.  I even tried to look it up online later to figure out what was the point of it and I still didn't get it.

I never get it.

Sometimes this feeling of helplessness over allusion and innuendo has the effect of making me want to go back to college, get a degree in literature or something.  My educations was limited to Ambition, Distraction, Uglification, and Derision--with a major in modern languages (Fortran, Snobol, Pascal and PL/1).

I don't know why Lizzie Skurkick included it.  I wish she hadn't.

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