Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Kid lit but so was Harry Potter

Olivia Kidney and the Exit Academy
by Ellen Potter

Recommended! Anyone under 13 for sure, plus anyone who likes kid lit and can laugh at the ludicrous, but slightly believable, ghost-full world of Olivia Kidney.  It appears that Olivia has always seemed to connect too easily with the spirit world, and this time it's a doozy!

I don't know if there's a reason why the author over-populates Olivia's world with loose ends, ephemeral characters, flotsam and jetsam and suspicious objects of magical purport. Some of these people and things get tidied up at the end, but not very many. I hope they come back in the sequels.

Oh, duh!  Just checked--this book is the SECOND in the series.  The library has the first, Olivia Kidney, and the third, Olivia Kidney and the secret beneath the city. Sounds like a trip is in order.

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