Thursday, February 7, 2019

Not so bad mystery--but not so good either

Tagged for Death
by Sherry Harris

Despite my lack of thrilled-ness with this book, I'm going to sign up for another one. This was a first in the series and had a Goodreads rating of 3.85, later books had ratings at about 4.0. That seems to be a pattern with series--the first book is tried by a lot of people, who then determine it's not to their tastes and so they neither read nor rate the later books in the series.  That's my theory, anyway,

So I'm giving this series a B for potential. Her writing is lively but not trendy; her characters all have a backstory but she doesn't bang us over the head with it up front; her situations are real. And her main character is considering making a living at helping people sell their stuff. She's absurdly nosy, but at least she has a backbone.

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