Thursday, July 11, 2019

Better than most cozy

Tea With Milk and Murder
by H Y Hanna

My third "cat mystery" series. Loved it. One heroine who runs a tearoom, one best friend who is annoying head-over-heels in love with a guy the heroine dislikes, four snooping old women (the "old biddies" as she calls them), one mother who just discovered the joys online shopping and persists in buying useless presents for her daughter, and one pesky little cat who escapes his leash to lead the heroine into sneaky places....

Yes, I know you have to abandon your skepticism about coincidences when you read any mystery novel, but this one is a doozy. She's like "the master or the coincidence." I know this is a small town and all, but sheez!  There's a clue around every corner.

And still...I liked it. And it was somewhat funny. Smilish, one might say.

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