Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Funny funny...classic spooky spoof

My Plain Jane
by Cynthia Hand, Jodi Meadows and Brodi Ashton

From the online reviews it seemed that a lot of people who loved My Lady Jane had a hate on for this. I don't get that at all! I cracked up multiple times during the reading of this and thought it was even better than the first.

The only excuse I can make is that maybe the readers absolutely adored Jane Eyre and had a daddy envy going for Mr. Rochester. Me, I always thought he was kind of creepy...and now I know why.  (kidding!) But seriously, why should a healthy, strong young lady want to marry a lying old fart? How happily ever after was that going to be? ...until he kicked the bucket and left her all his money.

So as you see, I absolutely loved the first part of Jane Eyre and greatly disliked the ending, so you can expect that a riotously supernatural parody would appeal to me. And it did. Loved it.  And the authors' habit of stealing lines freely and frequently from a certain movie just made me happier.  After I groaned out loud, I smiled.  Isn't plagiarism the greatest compliment?

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