Saturday, June 13, 2020

Formula but still good

Hunting Hour
by Margaret Mizushima

I could pretty much carbon copy the review from the previous one. Except that young people today don't know what a carbon copy is. Gosh, I'm feeling old!

The mystery and the new characters--call them suspects--were good, but not stellar. About what I'm come to expect from her...I can't help wondering what could happen if she made a little extra effort and came up with something unusual. Her detective, Mattie, is having to deal with some long-repressed memories from her childhood, and this case is hitting all the wrong buttons. I think the author did that part well, but I kept wanting her supervisor to hit her on the head and tell her to lay off--she was wearing herself and her dog out by searching things that a cooler head would say didn't need to be searched. But that's all part of the story.

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