Monday, March 8, 2021

Another lovely (cold) day at Grand Isle

Wednesday, February 3 2021

So it was Day 7 of the journey and I finished up the last of my tuna salad. I still had tofu left but I had to throw away the rice balls. Note to self: made again but add Sriracha, make them smaller, and freeze half.

I was running low on Pretzel Bits and the jug of iced tea was about gone. Next time I need to throw in a few iced tea bags,  for emergencies.  Eggs and orange juice were holding up well. Not sure about the jelly beans. And oddly enough, salad was running short. I'd thought a bag would make three meals, but I had already gone through two bags...oh. That was six meals, and it had been seven days. So no surprise. In future, I should bring more salad but I really need to remember to put it in the middle of the refrigerator where it doesn't freeze.

I also need to come up with a lunch/snack food that is portable, easy to eat on the road and not too fattening. I'd planned to try making taquitos again, but didn't get around to it. Amy's burritos would be  nice, but no good for traveling because I never seem to remember to heat them up the morning of departure. The idea of eating one frozen does not appeal.

After our pancake breakfast, Molly and I went walking through the dunes and fed a horde of hungry mosquitos. No birds, though. I was hoping to see another of those annoying little sparrows that f;ush out of the grass, look at me, then dart back into cover. I'd have been ready for it this time.

Then Ed and I went out walking on the beach again. Saw dolphins a lot, including a pair that appeared to have been a mother and child--one was distinctly smaller than the other and they kept very close together. Thrashing around in the water lots, too--were they playing or eating?


Then Molly and I took a walk around the nature trail. This time we started at the side to the left (okay, south?) of the entrance station. The trail there was barely a path through the marsh. It went around a small pond and then crossed the road at the entrance and became the other half, the one I'd walked before.

I saw three birds in the pond--one was white and the size of a snowy egret, one was clearly a tricolored heron, and one that looked exactly like a little blue heron. But they were grouped together closely. Strange.

Molly flushed something fluttery and interesting at a small stream running across the trail. I never saw it.

Sadly, that's all I noted for the day. But it was a lovely evening!

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