Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Cool space stuff

 For We Are Many
Bobiverse #2
Dennis E Taylor

Very unusual. Bob is a clone...and a clone of a clone, and a clone of a clone of a clone. He--the original Bob--died some time back. But not before making a copy of himself with all his memories and personality traits. And then later, he (clone Bob) clones himself some more time. Or did they all start with the original copy?  I get confused.

But somehow this author manages to keep all that confusion and the space travel and the "guppy" units and stuff straight, and write a very entertaining story. I'm not sure if I can get through another one of the series, but I might try. Unfortunately I didn't start with volume 1--We Are Legion (We Are Bob)-- so that may explain why I felt a little lost at times. But I enjoyed it a whole lot all the same.

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