Thursday, April 28, 2022

Mammoth Goes After Spring MIgration, Day 7

Wednesday 13 April 2022

The highlight of the day was a birdwatching expedition to the Sabine Woods Sanctuary. Was it worth the $20 "donation"? Maybe--if there'd been any birds. I saw a brown thrasher building a nest and a green heron pretending to be a statue.  I heard several birds, faintly, in the trees, but never got the lenses on them.

But I say "maybe" worth it, because in other times it would definitely be worth it. For sure after a strong north wind. It's a pretty big spot--30 acres, maybe? with a lot of different kinds of trees, some pines that I'd consider tall for this part of the word and a lot of deciduous that were medium-height but very old and sturdy. Oaks, possibly live oaks, and many others. In the right time of migration, it could have held a lot of birds.

Right smack in the middle is a creek/pool holding alligators, of course, and a fair smattering of turtles. Plus at least one massive bullfrog--we heard him but didn't see him.

Nice spot. A little crowded when we first arrived, but the cars had thinned out by the time we left. I'd guess it at 12 cars, which is about all that the parking spot can handle. There were three porta-potties.

Bird list for Sea Rim and the refuge here--Roseate Spoonbill, Green Heron, probably lesser Yellowlegs, Ruddy Turnstone, Sanderling, Laughing Gull, Red-winged blackbird and great-tailed grackle, Crested Caracara, Brown Thrasher, that annoying little sparrow, Common Moorhen, Blue-winged Teal, Brown Pelican, White Pelican, Great Egret, Great Blue heron, Little Blue Heron, Pissed-Off Osprey, Snowy Egret, Sedge Wren (voice and a short sighting), American Avocet, Harrier, Lesser Yellowlegs, Semipalmated plover, Wilson's Snipe, Killdeer, Nighthawk, Barn Swallow, Both Caspian and Royal Terns (if the bill tinting in the photo can be trusted), Dowitcher. Black Skimmer. And especially, King Rail!

Back at camp, Molly and I took a jog and then a bird-watching walk. The wind which had been gusting strongly out of the south all the previous day ameliorated a bit, and the jog and walk were almost pleasant. The sun was trying to come out and it wasn't as chilly as on Tuesday.

Rain at bedtime.

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