Saturday, June 4, 2022

Like a memoir, but better

 The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
by Taylor Jenkins Reid

Like, wow good. I was metaphorically bawling at points in this book. I listened to the audiobook and I adored the narration (several different actors, I think), but I suspect the paper edition would have been equally engrossing. And it was indeed engrossing!

From page one I was hooked and couldn't stop. This author can tell a magnificent tale, invent supremely suspenseful situations, and make you fall in love with imaginary people so much that you'd swear it has to be nonfiction at times. I don't think there was even a single villain in there--there were some people who did bad things at times--even the heroes did bad things at times--but they were all so lovably realistic.

At one point I paused the audiobook to say out loud, "Absolutely freaking amazing!" And of course, I can't tell you where that point was...I will only say it had to do with husband number two or three after she throws the phone.


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