Friday, June 17, 2022

Sort of Sci-Fi. Ish.

The Humans

by Matt Haig

Started off funny, progressed to touching and scary and very sad...and the ending I'll keep to myself.  It's the usual "alien is sent on a mission to earth and can't exactly fit in" story, with this twist--the reason for his mission is to kill the mathematics professor who has solved the Riemann Hypotheses Plus his family and any other people he may have told about it.

Easy enough to do with his superior alien intellect up against our primitive human technology. Except...he can't get the hang of clothes. He doesn't know anything about human society so he reads a Cosmopolitan magazine to figure us out. And then proceeds to walk naked all over his college city.  Somehow he narrowly avoid being arrested, and on it goes, getting better with every page.

My finger is hovering between 4 stars and 5 for this. Say, 4.75 for me.

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