Sunday, May 7, 2023

Painful for the most

 A Road Running Southward
Following John Muir's Journey through an Endangered Land
Dan Chapman

I was warned that this book was depressing, and I should have heeded that warning. While I'm no bright-eyed optimist, and I'm fully aware of the environmental degradation that the Southern U.S. has endured and continues to endure, that doesn't mean I want to read about it in excruciating detail on every page. Yes, I know, and yes, it needs to be addressed--if possible--but no, I didn't want that to be the focus of the book.

He does occasionally slip back to Muir and his journey, but then we're back to endless sad statistics.

Sorry to be so negative about the book. I'm not saying that what he wrote wasn't true, nor that it was not well explained. I'm just saying I didn't enjoy reading it like I'd hoped.

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