Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Mammoth Goes Visiting and Camps Along The Way, Day 5 and return

 Fri 4 Aug

Town again, this time to eat lupper at 2pm. I chose the only vegetarian thing on the menu, a veggie taco dish. Substituting the salad for a side dish cost 2.75 extra, but the salad wasn't worth a nickel. A little dab of iceberg smothered in cheese, bacon and croutons. Drenched in dressing even though I asked for the dressing on the side--they did indeed put the dressing on the side, but it was in addition to the dressing on the salad.

The tacos had maybe two or three tablespoons of veggies; a single corn tortilla each; and were drenched in slimy sauce. Tasted good but such a waste. It wouldn't be worth a dollar, let alone the nine dollars they charged for it.

But the trip is almost over. Long and hot walk with Molly; blue-gray gnatcatcher and a handful of noisy little birds that were probably vireos. Wing bars, but no other feature I could pick out. And then a gorgeous American Goldfinch male checking out the empty (for at least a year) seed feeders in her backyard.

1. I take pictures of campgrounds to remember them by, but the one thing a picture will never remind me is how excruciatingly loud the southern woods can be at night. It's ear-splitting in Southwestern Arkansas in the summertime!

2. Beard's Bluff is a nice place but only if you're headed northeast on I-30. The drive north from here is horrid. And if you ever go there again, get site 22.

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