Friday, January 10, 2014

The new fridge...

may be coming Sunday.  I doubt if it will be hooked up for at least a week, but man can dream.

I just had scathingly brilliant idea for a blog-worthy project!  Once each week I could choose a new food that I've never eaten/cooked before, and try it out!  I say "eaten/cooked" to include both things I've eaten but not cooked as well as things I've never eaten.  And by "cooked" I mean prepared.  Like kumquats--I don't think you cook them, but I can include them if I cut them up and include them in a salad.   And I'll include things like collard greens, which I've eaten in a mixture but not as a main ingredient.

Maybe I'll call it the "ingredient of the week" post.  So here are a few things for the list.

celeriac, collard greens, fennel, kale, mustard greens, yams
crimini mushrooms, shitake
apricots, figs
lentils, flaxseeds, barley, buckwheat, millet, rye, spelt
nutritional yeast, seitan

Not sure about the seitan.   Here's anotherscary article about wheat.  How will I ever regain faith in my yummy whole wheat bread?

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