Tuesday, October 13, 2015

About the last of my Judy Blume fandom

Here's To You, Rachel Robinson
by Judy Blume

This book, and the one I read after which probably came before--As Long As We're Together--aren't the most revolutionary of Ms. Blume's books.  She's subtle when she could have been bold--for example, you guess at some of the real reasons of Rachel Robinson's family disfunction, but they never come out in your face.  I fully expected Rachel to come down with a full-fledged case of anorexia or some anxiety-related mental illness, but she just slogs on. 

In the real world, family problems don't get "solved"--they just get outgrown.  Ms. Blume is going for realism instead of lessons, and so the novels lack punch.  But they're still a pair of little gems.

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