Thursday, October 29, 2015

Ho-hum historical

Oh! Pioneers
by Willa Cather

Remarkable for its people.  It reminded me of Sinclair Lewis in a little way--the oddball characters who were both stereotypical in their actions and reactions and yet so true to real life people we meet every day.  The not-too-bright brothers, hard working and honest but so quick to assume the thoughts and attitudes of the people who surrounded them.  Alexandra could live a thousand years and her brothers would never realize how she made her land prosper through intelligent choice, sensible risk-taking, and just plain listening to the land.  They were good farmers but nowise entrepreneurs.

And the younger brother--a simple soul who just wanted a wife and home but was expected to plan for a career.  Adrift without purpose, was it any wonder what happened?  (Can't tell; sorry)

I loved her heroine; loved her book; and don't want to read another.  Why, is hard to tell.  Something was missing to make it a winner, but I cannot say what.

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