My Boyfriend Barfed in my Handbag

by Jolie Kerr
Man, I thought this was going to be funnier. It's funny, but not funnier. And I learned all kind of dreary things about how often you're supposed to Daily Clean your kitchen but then still have to do a periodic Full-Monty Hard Clean. That part was nauseating. If I spent one-tenth the time cleaning that she does...I'd shoot myself.
The little snippets of humor kept me reading, and I may have even learned something. The next time I have a coffee/tea/soy sauce/Sriracha stain on my best blouse, I'll try harder. I already knew that bleach was not the answer, after an ill-fated attempt to treat a soiled cotton print blouse--the stain went away, but so did half of the print.
I learned that all stains benefit from cold water. Then, protein-based stains like blood respond to soap, peroxide, oxiclean or meat tenderizer; sweat stains: vinegar, Oxiclean, peroxide+soda; grease stains: PineSol or a degreaser; ink stains: blot with alcohol; tannin: cold water or soap. No answer on the soy sauce or Sriracha, but next time I get one, I'll try harder. I treat soy sauce like a stoppered test tube of anthrax culture--wear protective gloves, line the surface with disposable towels, and hold far away from the body.
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