Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Review: Address to Die For

 I kind of enjoyed this one, up until the ending. And then I hated it. I can't explain why because it would be giving away the ending--which, by the way, sucked. As to why I hated it so much, let me just say that I require a certain amount of effort, intelligence, and detection skills to be demonstrated by the lead character in order for the book to be called a mystery. Even a cozy mystery needs to have a competent lead character.  And this one (Maggie) was a total wuss--she put in a feeble bit of effort near the end, which was boring to read about and didn't go anywhere.

Since this is a cozy, I don't require the lead character to be an actual detective--a "professional organizer" is okay for the role. However I will point out that for a person calling herself a professional organizer, her heroine is the most disorganized, confused, and ineffectual organizer I've ever encountered.

I kind of liked the other people Ms. Feliz invented, especially Stephen the ex-military guy and Maggie's two sons. If you're heavy on character and family, go for it. If you're into mystery, no.

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