Thursday, July 4, 2024

Review: The Janus Stone

The Janus Stone
by Elly Griffiths

Second in the series for me, and well worth continuing. I'd been a little uncertain about whether I wanted to read a second book--the first was a little dark and moody and maybe a tiny bit unsettling. Atmospheric--that's the word!  But all that scary mist on the moor fit in after a while and I got to liking it.

And you have to love the main characters--the forensic archeologist Ruth and the police detective Nelson who kind of fancies her despite being happily married. I'm not sure where that is going, but I suspect the author knows.  Can't wait to find out.

The only negative for me was the insertion of an occasion few paragraphs in the mind of the perp.  Icky, unnecessary, and absolutely annoying.  After the first one, I skipped them. I want to know what's in the head of the perp only when it is revealed to the detectives.  And I certainly don't want to be in his head--for me, it destroys the mood and rips a leaking hole in the building suspense.

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