Sunday, July 7, 2024

Review: Kept

Kept: An American Househusband in India
by Gregory E Buford

Practically perfect in every way!  Light, funny and nerve-wracking at times, the author's wife get assigned to a diplomatic position in India, and he become homemaker and sitter for their lovely little son. And there they live, for about two years (I think), navigating the potholes. And everything is so different there, but they survive it beautifully, such as
--the house servants they seem to accumulate without every understanding why they need so many
--the wives in the embassy who try but have a hard time accepting a man into their kids' playgroups
--the "Christian" nanny who is prejudiced, self-righteous, and annoying
--the Indian driver who become their right-hand man and lifelong friend
--the building/home/who knows? going up next door, brick by brick
--the Cobra in the laundry room
--and the occasional wild adventure that throws everything off balance.

I loved it all and can't wait to read the next one.

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