Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Julie of the Wolves by Jean Craighead George

I thought I'd read this before, but that's impossible--I would never have forgotten it.  Much like Island of the Blue Dolphins, it's about a girl surviving on her own in a wilderness.  And surviving quite nicely.  In both books the girls show ingenuity, curiosity and courage; they take chances; fall down and climb back up again; and more than anything else, strike up a friendship deeper than family with the animals who share their lives.

But...balderdash! you say.  Girl kids can't survive on their own in a wilderness. Maybe a boy, a Huck Finn on the Mississippi or an exiled Kung Fu master in the Old West.  But not a girl!

Wrong on all counts--this story could have happened.  Maybe this kind of fantasy is a result of the overactive, wishful imaginations of a young women when they suddenly realize that their tree-climbing days are over--now they've got to grow up, live for others and forget they had a dream.  Or maybe not.  I've known many happy old ladies who live alone, do what they want and dream what they please.

They might even build a snow sled out of frozen caribou skin.

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