Sunday, June 28, 2015

Instant enjoyment

Instant Mom
by Nia Vardalos

If I approved of nouning the verb “read”, this would be one.  Lightning fast and light in tone, it tells the autobiography of Nia Vardalos from the time when she “broke into” show business through her struggles to have a child to the first few years of motherhood.  And it’s a joyful ride--the inevitable ups and downs of live, love, children and show business.  (What’s the difference between children and show business?  Dunno—they both kick you in the shins.)

To say I read it quickly would be an understatement.  Certain kinds of autobiography just grip me that way.  I read it in a couple of days, while I’ve been slugging through a biography of Griffith Pugh for seven weeks now.  In fact I’m thinking about reading this over again before it has to go back to the library.

If you’re not interested in pregnancy, IVF, motherhood, adoption, working moms—that kind of thing—you probably won’t love this book.  And as I mentioned, it’s not exactly “deep”.  But it’s as deep as it needs to be to tell a rollicking good story. 

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