Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Loved everything except the food

Stranger in the Forest
On Foot Across Borneo
by Eric Hansen

Yes, it took me seven weeks to finish this 280 page book, but don't take that as significant.  I left it at work and only read it during bathroom breaks.

So much you can experience in a solo travel through a jungle island in the 1980s.  I was shocked when I looked back and saw the date of his travels--while reading, I fell into a "feeling" that this was happening in the middle of the twentieth century sometime.  Say, 1952.  NOT 1982--but so it was.  As another reviewer points out, shotgun shells were his most valued trading commodity.  Aeroplanes and sewing machines and telephones existed, but not a lot of people had seen them.

So much, as I say, and it's too much to mention.  Jungle vistas, friendship, fear, really sore feet, storytelling over a camp fire built for smoke, not warmth (smoke to drive off insects), hunting with a spear, human greed and amazing human kindness.  Get the idea?  He was a true traveler--a sojourner--chooser of the road less traveled by.  His journey will never be repeated.

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