Thursday, July 23, 2015

Juvenile but a good one

Superman Versus The Ku Klux Klan:
The True Story of How the Iconic Superhero Battled the Men of Hate
by Rick Bowers

This is the kind of history that can hook a young reader and still be relished by an old crone.  Where did Superman come from?  Okay, I know, Krypton, but whence did the legend spring?  From concept to comic and years of failed pitches to publishers, this book unwinds the mystery.  When Superman finally hit the newsstand, he hit big.  He survived comic strip bashing and comic book burning, became a radio show, and helped keep up morale among soldiers during the long years of World War II.

After the war Superman's designers weren't satisfied with his return to the domestic tedium of mobsters and murderers.  What to do next?  What to do, BIG, next?

That's the point of this book and it's a grand one.  Researched to a fault and (I hope) barely embellished with invention to supplement the fact.  It would be cool to hear that radio show again...hmm...looks like I can.  See ya!

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