Wednesday, November 7, 2018

At last! Someone who knows what I'm talking about!

If Ina Garten has one pet peeve, it's the phrase season to taste. "If you don't know what it's supposed to taste like, how are you supposed to season to taste?" 


So not much progress on the recipe reduction front--been sick and out of sorts mostly. One much-delayed update,

Onigiri #30

I've saved this recipe for a while. Don't know why--it's not complicated. Cook some sprouted rice (I sprouted my own, but I don't know if it was really necessary). Mix with mung beans, sesame seeds (forgot) and green onions.  Make balls--oops. Mine failed failed failed to make balls. Maybe if I hadn't started the recipe two weeks ago, ran out of time and chucked the whole thing in the freezer, it wouldn't have looked like this mess:

Anyway, make balls with a scoop of avocado in the center. Top with a spotch of miso, soy sauce and nut butter (I cheated with tahini but almond butter would be better). Broil until it melts. Wrap with a strip of toasted nori (I used some roasted seaweed of unknown type leftover from Christmas).

With all my swaps and failures, it turned out good!  I should make again, frequently, and figure out how to make it stick together next time.

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