Monday, January 28, 2019

Gardening in my Roots, end of January edition

Yesterday I planted carrots with radishes as a "nurse crop" and then spinach and beets. I should have sprinkled the beds when I was done, but I was hoping for rain the next day.

Next day: no rain. The soil was damp but not consistently damp enough for good germination. With any luck tomorrow I'll get home before dark and I can sprinkle then.

Too soon, you think? I don't think so. For cold-hardy plants like these, lately I've been getting burned--pun intended--more by hot weather than cold. Lowes sells frost blankets for $ if they start to come up and a frost is predicted, I'll see about getting a couple.  Each is about long enough to cover half of one of my rows.  Also I can put out the homemade row cover over the beets.

Of course, at this point, the whole discussion is about hope and promise. The garden looks like dirt. Disturbed dirt. That's why there's no picture with this post--too disturbing.

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