Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Friday at Matagorda Bay and Yegua Creek Campground

(August 14)

Moving day, but I had plans first. I ate a quick breakfast--actually, I fixed one for both of us--did dishes, cleaned up all my stuff, walked Zack and then headed out with Mollydog and the camera. My original plan was to walk out the boardwalk to the end and see the ocean waves crashing one more time. But on the previous day, my plans had changed. I wasn't there to see ocean waves, I was there to see birds!

Least tern(foreground)


               Laughing gull  in breeding plumage (background)

Molly didn't care much for the exercise.  Nor did she have interest in sitting around on hot sand while I snapped endless pictures of birds. It's tricky to argue--on the one hand, she really needed the exercise; on the other hand, I would have had a lot more fun without her. But I set a timer to get us back in under an hour, so, too soon, we had to turn back.

I was delayed on the way by a couple of people in a small SUV who wanted to know if the road they were on led to the beach. What could I say?  Yes, it led to the beach--but it went through a puddle of indeterminate depth and unknown consistency of bottom, and then it went through deep, soft sand. I strongly advised them against it.

Oddly enough, there was a short power glitch during the night--I only knew because the microwave oven clock had reset. But the refrigerator was cooling again! The thermometer read about 42 when I got up. So it was very possible that the AC power reset had "fixed" it. We'd tried switching to LP gas and back to AC but that hadn't made a difference. But we hadn't tried powering it down completely.

When I returned from my walk, Ed was almost finished hooking up. In fact, he was closer to finished than I'd expected and I actually held him up by fifteen minutes or so by going into the office to look at the exhibits. We headed out, happy that we might expect cool drinks in the fridge when we arrived.

The plan was to stop somewhere on the way and fill up the gas tank, so as not to have to stop again on the day we went home. We found a little truck stop in Brenham but, sadly, the gas pump we chose to use was operating very, very slowly. We pumped and waited and waited and pumped, and after ten minutes had added only nine gallons. I suggested we give up at ten gallons, and Ed agreed. We ended up with the fuel tank a little over half full.

When Ed went inside to pay, the lady said she'd just been about to come outside and suggest that he move to a different pump. That was very decent of her, but it's not so easy moving a 32-foot RV with a tow dolly attached. It's not like we could simply back up and scoot over.

Note for future: there aren't many truck stops on the 290 loop around Brenham, Texas. At least not on the westward loop.

We arrived at 3:16. I expected Edward and Bob to have showed up already, but no one was there. We'd finished hookups at 4:02 and were just hanging out when people started arriving.

Bob and Theresa have gotten themselves a lovely little Casita, which is basically a bedroom on wheels. But somehow the designers engineered a mini-kitchen, a bathroom, and a shower in there. It's so small you can take it almost anywhere--it's like tent camping without the work. Cool.

The campground was full and became more so as the evening wore on. As to be expected on a Friday in August.

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