Saturday, September 25, 2021

Review catch up

 This Adventure Ends

Puzzling YA novel about a girl who falls in with a group of friends who have been besties with each other for many years. The story tell how she finds her way into relationships with each of them--and at the same time, finds out how she herself has never had a real friendship with anyone.  Real, as in, the kind that hurts.

Not too realistic in its portrayals of people, but not that bad either. I found it a little too light and teenagery, so that means a teenager would likely love it.


Bury The Lead

I was starting to work my way through the world of Andy Carpenter but I've gotten on a detour into the maybe-less-exciting but ever-more-fascinating world of Maisie Dobbs. So this will be the last Andy Carpenter I read for a while. Sorry--they're good and never boring but for excitement I'm not sure thy can match with tge Chronicles of St. Mary's series and for depth of character no match at all with Maisie.

Anyway, I liked Bury The Lead just as much as the first two. It's kind of a "beach read" for me--light, quick and hard to put down.

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