Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Gardening Roots, Autumn Surprise

Today is a tale of the beautiful and the ugly. The ugly is cows. Oh, they're quite scenic when they're grazing in a field, munching their grasses and pooping out big piles of steaming compostable manure. But cows in the garden are evil, disgusting beasts. What turnips they don't eat they destroy by trompling into the ground. The second time they rampaged through the garden, they ate my only head of lettuce.

The beautiful:

Where did all these guys come from? I planted about four slips plus a grocery store specimen that was sprouting in the pantry. On Monday I was pulling up the dead vines--frost got 'em--when I saw a sweet potato poking an end up out of the ground. Weird. I pulled him out, set him aside, and resumed my job.

Then I saw another! Getting the digging fork and turning over the ground revealed all of these.

Here I'd been thinking I'd not try growing sweet potatoes again because they didn't produce for me. How wrong I was.

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