Saturday, November 20, 2021

Leaving Brazos Bend State Park

Thursday 4 Nov 2021
Planned time: 5:13
Actual time: who knows?  We left at 11:20 and didn't get in until very late, maybe 5:30.

Extra long cleanout at dump station. Rest area pee stop 11 minutes. Arrival time unknown, but it was late. The traffic through Dallas was horrid. Oddly enough, they've done something to the connector between I-45 and US-75 so that it's a whole lot easier than it used to be. Used to you had to get left--fast, in heavy traffic, then get left, then get left, etc. Now you still have to get left but it's not the extreme left lane and you have a lot more time to get prepared. Google calls this the "I-235" route but I never saw a single sign that showed it.

It had stopped raining during the night, so we had an easy, though chilly, preparation morning. But we got a really late start--it shouldn't have been, but at the dump station Ed got maniacal about cleaning out the tanks really really well. But the effect of that was going to be Dallas rush our traffic at the end of our drive.

Going around Houston on the tollway loop was a blast -- not the old, 610 loop we remembered, but a new one with "EZTag" toll stations. I guess the trip ended up costing six to ten dollars in tolls alone. Traffic was heavy but there were very few slowdowns. Driving around Houston is not what it used to be. Thank heavens.  Driving up through Dallas at 4pm in the afternoon stunk. Royally.

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