Tuesday, March 8, 2022

And this is a hoot

 Life's A Beach
by George Mahood

I might not say, Hilarious! but it was very, very amusing. It's kind of half memoir, half comedy, and I liked both halves equally well. I read this one before reading Every Day is a Holiday only because it had higher ratings, and I realize now that the reason for that is The Series Effect.  That's the thing that will make the first book in a series rank lower than the subsequent ones, but only because people who didn't LOVE the first one will go on to read the later ones.

And yeah, he's doing all these crazy stunts only because he wants to write books about them, but I still give him credit for the doing thereof. Besides, it's funny. And a little touching, too.

My only criticism is that, being American, I don't get all the Brit-Humor. For example, it took me a while to realize that when Brits say "pants" they mean "underwear." So he writes that he frequently sits around writing in his "pants" and I took that to mean "trousers." What's so funny about that?

Oops. Who am I criticizing, here? Me, I think!

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