Saturday, March 12, 2022

More funny bone ticklers

 Every Day is a Holiday
by George Mahood

The book that came before Life's A Beach. It was odd at the end...the end of this one seemed to overlap with the beginning of the other one. But it made me want to immediately start the other one over again and see how they flowed. Stupid me--it's what I get for reading them out of order!

I loved this almost as much as I did Life's A Beach, which is to say, a goodly bit. It explained the origin of the term "Biggishly Built", for one. And the joke about finding $75 pounds, or whatever. I still don't think that one's funny at all.

But the rest of his wild and crazy adventures are sure to tickle your fancy. They did mine, at least.  Enjoyed, much! But you have to be prepared to deal with a guy doing ridiculously stupid things to celebrate ridiculously stupid holidays only so that he could write about them. Upsy Daisy Day? Ball Point Pen Day? Slugs Return From San Juan Capistrano Day? Ridiculous.

But be minded, it's not all about the days, or even the weeks and the months. It's a lot about him and his family and his very sensible children and his very peculiar cats. And neighbors. And friends. And the whole of jolly old England, to boot.

More, please.

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