Monday, May 23, 2022

Back to the beginning (of the series)

 Brownies and Broomsticks

Other than the title, which is silly and has nothing to do with the plot, this turned out to be a pretty good introduction to the series. Interesting and gutsy heroine who loves to bake more than the law allows--how does she keep from weighing 400 pounds?--involved in an unexplained death with her uncle as the prime suspect. If you're into baking rich and indulgent deserts, you'll find her description of peanut butter swirl brownies even more involving than the mystery of murder.

I did not, but I still enjoyed reading about it. Even more did I enjoy her interactions with a dog who appeared on her doorstep and attached himself to her; with the women of the reading circle who were all more than they seemed; the two mysterious men in her new life; the aggravated police detective who just wishes she would butt out of his business; and the slow discovery of her own "powers" at hedge-witchery.

Fun stuff, throughout.

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