Exploring the Edges of Texas
by Walt Davis
Traveling around Texas in good company, with the many travelers who walked, rode or floated the edges in long ago--or not so long ago--time. Some of it is downright depressing--from the journal of John James Audubon,
Around noon we entered Buffalo Bayou, at the mouth of the San Jacinto River, and opposite the famous battle-ground of the same name. Proceeding smoothly up the bayou, we saw abundance of game...This bayou is unusually sluggish, deep, and bordered on both sides with a strip of woods not exceeding a mile in depth...It was here today that I found the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker in abundance...The author finds no woodpeckers and none of the exceedingly tall, majestic Magnolia trees that once lined the river. But he does find sections of nostalgic beauty, where traffic noise is hardly to be heard, and Great Egrets stalk the river banks.
There's a lot more in this book than my small brain can remember, but remember it I shall. Reread often.
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