Thursday, October 26, 2023

So good I'm going to start re-reading them

 Ellie Dwyer's Startling Discovery: Book 4 of the Ellie Dwyer Series 

by Dianne

There's just something about these books that fills my heart with satisfaction and my head with enthusiasm. Ellie Dwyer is just so--so me!  She's almost exactly what I want to be when I grow up. Except...I already am. I think I'm actually a little older than her.

So she's a middle aged woman with all the insecurities and worries that go along with being alone in life. But she's not sitting back and knitting--not her!  She's out there doing stuff, like living alone in a tiny pop-up RV and moving from campsite to campsite. She made a best friend out there and now they're doing stuff together a lot of the time, which takes Ellie out of her comfort zone in many amusing ways.

But she's not superwoman either. Some of her flaws are not mine and some of them are so annoying that I want to give her a good shake. But never, never stop reading her. She's my bestie and I wish I lived next door to her. In a campground in Arizona somewhere. Or Colorado. Or....

This book is similar to the others in that two or three interesting subplots wind around the main plot and keep it lively. The only minor thing I don't like--and it's minor indeed--is the author's tendency to overindulge in simple day-to-day activity descriptions.  I tolerate those descriptions, and am sometimes amused by them, but from time to time I find myself wishing she'd "spice things up" a little. Like instead of describing a mundane hike on a trail with lovely scenery or muddy roads, why not have a Cactus Wren attack her, or a rattlesnake come slithering by and give her a fright?  After all, the author is writing a middle-aged campers' best fantasy, why not add some nature stuff?

No matter, I still love them all. Please keep writing, Ms. Winger.

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