Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Magnus Moves! Massachusetts and back, Day 8

Tuesday, July 16

Good bye to the nice KOA


To Lackawanna State Park, Pennsylvania
Horrid day that started with me not being able to find my necklace. Possibly I dropped it in the bathhouse; I'll ask during our return trip to the KOA in about a week.

Traffic sucked, and while we were stuck in horrible awful traffic jams I pulled up the route and google told me it was blocked by road closures. Panicking, I called the park and asked the guy who answered how to get there.  His instructions seemed to make sense, but when I hung up on him and started trying to check the new route for low clearances, I got into a horrible mess switching back and forth from one map to the other while the motorhome was moving on a bumpy, curvy road.  

I finally vetted one of google's "proposed alternate" routes, and we set off down that. Shortly afterward, I discovered the route that the park guy was trying to send me on and it was much shorter and faster. But no help from that--we were already in downtown Scranton and had to keep with the google navigation to get out of there.

By the time we arrived, we were tired and couldn't find the water fill station that was supposed to be at the entrance. (Turned out it was way off to the side, unmarked from the road, and nearly invisible.) If you stared straight at it with binoculars, you could have seen the blue "water cup" sign--but we didn't and we couldn't.  So we went on to the camping loop and found another.  Problem is, the water pressure there was so low that we spent at least 40 minutes there and ended up with maybe 10 gallons of water.

Meanwhile we found out that electricity was off at the campsites. The park host told us it was okay to run our generator, so that's what we did. We're supposed to get gas tomorrow and that should fill the bill.

With all the aggravation, it was still a very pretty little campground. There were lots of groundhogs!  I saw a big one on my walk with Molly, but luckily, she never saw it.  And one rabbit.  And a waterfall off in the distance but I couldn't see the water through the trees and didn't have a trail map to find the trail to it.

And another bad luck thing--the pizza place I'd chosen for supper was closed on Tuesdays. I'd planned to go visit the Anthracite Coal Museum and take the mine tour train, but that activity got canceled--too tired and Molly needed a walk. So instead I found an equally good pizza place (which was excellent, by the way!  Make a note to go there again and maybe do the mine tour too)   We went there and brought a pizza back for dinner in our motorhome with little water, generator running, and a severely obstructed Starlink. It managed to work well enough, though.

Scenic view

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