Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Magnus Moves! Massachusetts and back, Day 9

Wednesday, July 17

I think this is the Hudson

Made it in decent time, about 4:30, to Partridge Hollow Family Campground. The people were exceedingly nice. They put us in the "safari field", which was basically a great big mowed grass field with a couple of trash cans in the middle and electric/water hookups all around.  It was really very nice and we had it all to ourselves.  They had a pool, too.

Molly and I walked around to check the two bathhouses and found that they were both rather a long walk from our camp.  So we went back to the pool to see if the building there contained a shower, but the people in the pool told me no, that was simply a water supply building. They also said the showers cost money, which I hadn't noticed.

So Molly and trekked back to the nearest one, and sure enough, it was 25 cents for eight minutes. Which was okay, but I decided to stick with Mammoth and just do a cold "Navy" shower--stick my head under the water to get it wet, soap up, then stick it under again to rinse. For my body I just used the washrag and did minimal rinsing. I'm sure I got plenty clean, but it didn't have the refreshing feeling of a full-body shower. But the water was decently warm and it was a hot day outside, so I survived. Complaining.

Meanwhile the storm clouds were brewing. Edward called and we planned dinner at a point approximately halfway between us and them, but before we could get into the Jeep the clouds opened up and it started pouring rain. And continued pouring for all the way to Mexicali Cantina Grill. It's a chain in the area and we'd gone to one before, probably twice--once each time we'd gone to Worcester last year.  It's basic, but good, and has vegetarian options.

The rain stopped but continued to dribble intermittently to cut Molly's evening walk pretty short. My poor puppy was not having a very good trip so far.

The pond at the end of the road, loverly!

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