Saturday, August 17, 2024

Magnus Moves! Massachusetts and back, Day 12

Saturday July 20

Today's plan was to eat a good breakfast, then hit the coast guard beach and another beach, then maybe go to the nature center and boardwalks on the north/west side of the peninsula.  In the afternoon we'd go swimming.  Optimism abounded.

Ed and I were up and ready to eat by eight or so, but by the time they took showers and got ready to travel, it was probably closer to ten or maybe ten-thirty. It seemed awfully late, but it was still prime breakfast time for Saturday in a resort area.  The first restaurant I chose had a one hour wait; the second one--another 20 minutes farther away-- had a one hour fifteen minute wait. Across the street was a Dunkin' Donuts so that's where we went. Bad food for not-so-good prices, but fast.

Then to Coast Guard Beach in the South Padre National Seashore. It was free to get in with our America the Beautiful pass and Edward's military ID; the tram to get down to the beach was free; and the beach was gorgeous. Maybe a little too much big waves especially at high tide, but gorgeous.

Waiting for the tram

But we weren't dressed for swimming. The indications I'd gotten about the beach was that it was too choppy for swimming and more suited for beach walking, so that's what we went prepared to do. At the least we had the kid's beach toys, so they got to play in the sand. And of course they got wet and ended up splashing the waves very happily. It wasn't much fun for us adults, but we had a great time watching them.

 Lifeguard at the spot we were at. Didn't expect that.  And there was a seal out in the water, popping his head up from time to time.


This evening we had the good sense to skip lunch and eat supper early.  I chose one of the closest places I could find, and it worked well. Stone L'Oven Pizza in Brewster. The pizza was really good. My spinach wrap was pretty big but bland without cheese--some pesto or hummus or even a swipe of mustard would have improved it immensely.  But we got fed and made it back to camp in time to walk Molly, have a campfire, and roast marshmallows.  Very campsy.

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