Saturday, August 3, 2024

Review: Miss Cecily's Recipes For Exceptional Ladies

 by Vicky Zimmerman

Based on a real person--if I'd known that while I was reading it, I might have slowed down a little in the middle. Because...basically...I was skimming. Just a bit. But it got so bogged down with the narrator's obsession over her boyfriend in that part!  She was thinking the same thoughts and making the same excuses over and over.  I grew bored and once I'd started skimming (just a bit) I forgot to slow down and savor the story of Cecily's life.  Which was really interesting.

I don't think I can give this four stars but if you're a foodie, you'll give it five. I'm not one, and while I find gourmet food interesting it's about on the par with, for me. Interesting in a vague, academic way but not something I want to spend a lot of time on. Or read about.

So a lot of food, a lot of dialog, and interesting historical story told as narrative, not real-time, and a rather boring boyfriend story.  And amusing, too.  You may love it.

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