Monday, September 2, 2013

Rhapsody to a long weekend

Saturday was a me day, and while I didn't have quite as much fun as I'd expected to, I had a little.  I made a major HPB run and only spent $70 because of the 20% off special.  I found several books on my list but then lost the list.  I seem to be always losing scraps of paper these days.
But here's my stash.

I don't write about the garden anymore because there is no garden.  It's transformed to weeds and potential.  When (if) the weather cools down I'll get back out there with gloves, lawnmower and tiller; turn it back into gray dirt with weed seeds and grass roots buried beneath the pocked surface.  But until then I try not to think about it.

Since it hasn't rained in six weeks and the temperature is regularly hitting 103, the ground is cracking open in agony.  As a kid I thought cracks were mysterious and longed to be small enough to explore into them.  But now, they just seem a sign of unhappy earth.


Today (Monday) is going to be a catch-up day, because yesterday was a movie day!  Sad to say, those are my best days nowadays.
Fun.  Charming, one might say.  I suspect they were quoting from a book at times, but I couldn't be sure.

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