Thursday, November 21, 2013

The cold front is heading this way

...and I have a headache.  (An actual twinge, not a thinly veiled reference to a teenage daughter.  I have one of those, too, but it's not giving me a headache at the moment)

Too bad I didn't get home before dark.  I could have taken autumn foliage pictures before it all falls off and turns into soggy mush.

So I will read books.  I finished the audiotape of Speak a few days ago.

Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson

It's simultaneously a humorous expose of the insane world of high school and a deeply personal journey from betrayal to recovery.  To tell more would be telling.  I'll just say that it touched me where it hurts.  High school has got to be the hardest time in the average person's life--you're full of hormones and haven't yet learned to recognize them; you desperately need to grow up but still want to be a kid sometimes; and you sometimes have a very painful secret that threatens to destroy you....

Well, some of you do.  I didn't, but it was still a hard four years.

The parents in the story are so unbearably clueless, it hurts to hear them talk.  They remind me of a lot of parents I've met in books--they do fine with babies and children but can't seem to recognize they have an emerging adult in the family. They try avoidance, denial, control and anger, but never compassion, patience, friendship and support.   I hope I'm not like that--I miss my fun little kids, but it's kind of nice to have someone that I can take to grownup movies.

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