Friday, January 31, 2014

Rant and review

What kind of inconsiderate idiot dog ears pages in a library book?   A lot of pages.  And leaves them turned down!
 Hanging is too good for them.

But now, on the the review.

Isn't it funny how some authors can be excessively wordy but you still want more?  Diane Setterfield is the Lay's potato chip of authors.  I recently "read" George Eliot's classic, Middlemarch, which is 904 pages in paperback.  ("read" = listened to the audiobook)  At a rate of one hour per day, Middlemarch took six weeks, but after a few days I'd become so engrossed that I didn't want it to ever end.  But it did, and I was glad--

Because my next audiobook was The Thirteenth Tale by Dianne Setterfield.  I was engrossed from the first page, and it just kept getting better.  Madness, mystery, literature, love, obsession, ghosts.... 

Ghosts?  Can cats see ghosts? 


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